5985 - WinRM
Windows Remote Management (WinRM) is the Microsoft implementation of WS-Management Protocol, a standard Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)-based. Usaully run on port 5985.
WinRM uses the PSRemoting (PowerShell remote) to login to a host and execute commands.
You can enable WinRM by running Enable-PSRemoting
By default WinRM uses port 5985 for sending traffic over HTTP (But it's still encrypted), and port 5986 for SSL.
If you can make a HTTP request (GET) to /wsman
and you get 200 back, WinRM is enabled (on port 5985).
Add User to winrm group
Bruteforce login
The winrm_login module is a standard Metasploit login scanner to bruteforce passwords.
use auxiliary/scanner/winrm/winrm_login
cme winrm -u userfile -p passwordfile
Login from windows
From a powershell command prompt:
Winrs.exe is a built-in command line tool that allows for the execution of remote commands over WinRm with a properly credentialed user.
Command–line tool for system management is implemented in a Visual Basic Scripting Edition file (Winrm.vbs) written using the WinRM scripting API.
Login from Linux
Ruby Script
A quick and dirty script - use Alamot’s Ruby script
Remember to change the username and password
A comprehensive winrm shell
You can also execute built in 'Bypass-AMSI', 'DLL-loader', 'Dount Loader' and 'Invoke Binary' straight from the shell by just typing menu
in the shell
We can also load powershell scripts using the -s
option and providing a folder with scripts, and then just calling the script from the shell (example typing powerup.ps
)and then when we go to the menu it will show the functions from that script.
Note: Evil-WINRM uses Invoke-Expression to execute command - therefor if you're in some kind of constrained language mode that isn’t allowing Invoke-Expression you will get errors.
Like this:
Here’s an example of using CrackMapExec winrm method as local Administrator with a clear text password:
crackmapexec winrm -d . -u Administrator -p 'pass123' -x "whoami"
Here’s example using a NTLM hash:
crackmapexec winrm -d . -u Administrator -H aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:5fbc3d5fec8206a30f4b6c473d68ae76 -x "whoami"
WinRM Script Exec exploit module can obtain a shell without triggering an anti-virus solution, in certain cases. This module has two different payload delivery methods. Its primary delivery method is through the use of PowerShell 2.0. The module checks to see if PowerShell 2.0 is available on the system. It then tries to enable unrestricted script execution, an important step because PowerShell does not execute unsigned script files by default. If either of these checks fail, it will default to the VBS CmdStager payload method, otherwise it will use our Powershell 2.0 method.
use exploit/windows/winrm/winrm_script_exec
Login from Windows
This can also be done using PowerShell
for Linux (apt install pwsh or apt install powershell)
If you get a error Unspecified GSS failure
install gss-ntlmssp using apt.
Last updated
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