
John (aka John the Ripper) is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix, macOS, Windows, DOS, BeOS, and OpenVMS


Simple usage

JTR password cracking

john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hashes

JTR forced descrypt cracking with wordlist

john --format=descrypt --wordlist /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hash.txt

JTR forced descrypt brute force cracking

john --format=descrypt hash --show

Display formats:

john --list=formats

Type and mask:

iron@kali2:/tmp$ sudo john lm.txt --mask=?l?l?l?l --format=lm


Create a mask:


root@attackdefense:~# john pdfhash --mask=?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?l 
?d = digit 
?l = lower-case ASCII letters 
?u = upper-case ASCII letters 

example with numbers in the middle:

root@attackdefense:~# john pdfhash --mask=?d?d?d?d19?d?d?u 
Using default input encoding: UTF-8 
Loaded 1 password hash (PDF [MD5 SHA2 RC4/AES 32/64]) 
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status 
01021980D        (/root/encrypted.pdf) 
1g 0:00:00:05 DONE (2019-10-31 10:10) 0.1721g/s 530466p/s 530466c/s 530466C/s 01021980D 
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably 
Session completed 

A mask may consist of:

- Static letters. 
- Ranges in [aouei] or [a-z] syntax. Or both, [0-9abcdef] is the same as 
- Placeholders that are just a short form for ranges, like ?l which is 
     100% equivalent to [a-z]. 
- ?l lower-case ASCII letters 
- ?u upper-case ASCII letters 
- ?d digits 
- ?s specials (all printable ASCII characters not in ?l, ?u or ?d) 
- ?a full 'printable' ASCII. Note that for formats that don't recognize case 
     (eg. LM), this only includes lower-case characters which is a tremendous 
     reduction of keyspace for the win. 
- ?B all 8-bit (0x80-0xff) 
- ?b all (0x01-0xff) (the NULL character is currently not supported by core). 
- ?h lower-case HEX digits (0-9, a-f) 
- ?H upper-case HEX digits (0-9, A-F) 
- ?L lower-case non-ASCII letters 
- ?U upper-case non-ASCII letters 
- ?D non-ASCII "digits" 
- ?S non-ASCII "specials" 
- ?A all valid characters in the current code page (including ASCII). Note 
     that for formats that don't recognize case (eg. LM), this only includes 
     lower-case characters which is a tremendous reduction of keyspace. 
- Placeholders that are custom defined, so we can e.g. define ?1 to mean [?u?l] 
  ?1 .. ?9 user-defined place-holder 1 .. 9 
 Placeholders for Hybrid Mask mode: 
  ?w is a placeholder for the original word produced by the parent mode in 
     Hybrid Mask mode. 
  ?W is just like ?w except the original word is case toggled (so PassWord 
     becomes pASSwORD). 


C:\Users\David\Documents\Tools\john-1.9.0-jumbo-1-win64\run>john.exe ..\test.txt --format=raw-MD5


Common formats:


John Format

Hash Example
















Cisco Type 5



All Formats:

descrypt, bsdicrypt, md5crypt, md5crypt-long, bcrypt, scrypt, LM, AFS,  
tripcode, AndroidBackup, adxcrypt, agilekeychain, aix-ssha1, aix-ssha256,  
aix-ssha512, andOTP, ansible, argon2, as400-des, as400-ssha1, asa-md5,  
AxCrypt, AzureAD, BestCrypt, bfegg, Bitcoin, BitLocker, bitshares, Bitwarden,  
BKS, Blackberry-ES10, WoWSRP, Blockchain, chap, Clipperz, cloudkeychain,  
dynamic_n, cq, CRC32, sha1crypt, sha256crypt, sha512crypt, Citrix_NS10,  
dahua, dashlane, diskcryptor, Django, django-scrypt, dmd5, dmg, dominosec,  
dominosec8, DPAPImk, dragonfly3-32, dragonfly3-64, dragonfly4-32,  
dragonfly4-64, Drupal7, eCryptfs, eigrp, electrum, EncFS, enpass, EPI,  
EPiServer, ethereum, fde, Fortigate256, Fortigate, FormSpring, FVDE, geli,  
gost, gpg, HAVAL-128-4, HAVAL-256-3, hdaa, hMailServer, hsrp, IKE, ipb2,  
itunes-backup, iwork, KeePass, keychain, keyring, keystore, known_hosts,  
krb4, krb5, krb5asrep, krb5pa-sha1, krb5tgs, krb5-17, krb5-18, krb5-3,  
kwallet, lp, lpcli, leet, lotus5, lotus85, LUKS, MD2, mdc2, MediaWiki,  
monero, money, MongoDB, scram, Mozilla, mscash, mscash2, MSCHAPv2,  
mschapv2-naive, krb5pa-md5, mssql, mssql05, mssql12, multibit, mysqlna,  
mysql-sha1, mysql, net-ah, nethalflm, netlm, netlmv2, net-md5, netntlmv2,  
netntlm, netntlm-naive, net-sha1, nk, notes, md5ns, nsec3, NT, o10glogon,  
o3logon, o5logon, ODF, Office, oldoffice, OpenBSD-SoftRAID, openssl-enc,  
oracle, oracle11, Oracle12C, osc, ospf, Padlock, Palshop, Panama,  
PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512, PDF, PEM, pfx, pgpdisk, pgpsda, pgpwde, phpass, PHPS,  
PHPS2, pix-md5, PKZIP, po, postgres, PST, PuTTY, pwsafe, qnx, RACF,  
RACF-KDFAES, radius, RAdmin, RAKP, rar, RAR5, Raw-SHA512, Raw-Blake2,  
Raw-Keccak, Raw-Keccak-256, Raw-MD4, Raw-MD5, Raw-MD5u, Raw-SHA1,  
Raw-SHA1-AxCrypt, Raw-SHA1-Linkedin, Raw-SHA224, Raw-SHA256, Raw-SHA3,  
Raw-SHA384, ripemd-128, ripemd-160, rsvp, Siemens-S7, Salted-SHA1, SSHA512,  
sapb, sapg, saph, sappse, securezip, 7z, Signal, SIP, skein-256, skein-512,  
skey, SL3, Snefru-128, Snefru-256, LastPass, SNMP, solarwinds, SSH, sspr,  
Stribog-256, Stribog-512, STRIP, SunMD5, SybaseASE, Sybase-PROP, tacacs-plus,  
tcp-md5, telegram, tezos, Tiger, tc_aes_xts, tc_ripemd160, tc_ripemd160boot,  
tc_sha512, tc_whirlpool, vdi, OpenVMS, vmx, VNC, vtp, wbb3, whirlpool,  
whirlpool0, whirlpool1, wpapsk, wpapsk-pmk, xmpp-scram, xsha, xsha512, ZIP,  
ZipMonster, plaintext, has-160, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA224,  
HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384, HMAC-SHA512, dummy, crypt 

Cracking examples

Cracking /etc/shadow

sudo /usr/sbin/unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow > /tmp/crack.password.db 
john /tmp/crack.password.db 
Loaded 2 password hashes with 2 different salts (sha512crypt, crypt(3) $6$ [SHA512 256/256 AVX2 4x]) 

Cracking pdf protected password

pdf2john encrypted.pdf >> hash 
john hash --mask=?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?l 
pdftotext -upw PASSWORD encrypted.pdf 

Cracking ssh key

root@attackdefense:~# ssh2john id_rsa >> hash 
root@attackdefense:~# cat hash 

MD5 wordlist

root@attackdefense:~# for x in $(cat wordlists/100-common-passwords.txt); do echo -n $x | md5sum >> wordlist.txt; done 
root@attackdefense:~# cat wordlist.txt | cut -d' ' -f1 >> new 
root@attackdefense:~# john hash --wordlist=new 

John cheat sheet

Last updated

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