Remote Desktop
How to use RDP (Remote desktop protocol) to gain access to a host, rdp runs on port 3389 by default in windows.
A user need to be part of the "Remote Desktop Users" in order to login to the host via RDP.
To add user to the "Remote Desktop users" run:
Remote Desktop for windows with share and 85% screen:
rdesktop -u username -p password -g 85% -r disk:share=/tmp/share
Login using hash:
Xfreerdp /u:admin /d:win2012 /pth:[hash] /v:
When CredSSP is required:
xfreerdp --plugin rdpdr --data disk:home:/tmp -- -f -u john
To exit press 'ctrl+alt+enter'
install remmina:
apt install remmina
have a rdp client by default which you can use to connect.
Enable RDP
Enable rdp from registry
Enable from netsh
Enable using psexec
Enable using metasploit
Last updated